  时间:2024-09-20 10:51:33





回复 :索菲亚(米兰达·裘莱 Miranda July 饰)和杰森(哈米什·林克莱特 Hamish Linklater 饰)是一对感情十分要好的夫妻,他们准备在下个月领养一只猫咪,这只小猫对于他们来说是一份要伴随他们十几年甚至更长的责任,这也就意味着,他们两人自由自在的生活只剩下最后的这一个月了。于是,索菲亚和杰森决定辞职,好好享受这最后的疯狂。苏菲决定每天录制一支舞蹈,上传到社交媒体上,而热爱大自然的杰森则开始研究全球变暖带来的危害,开始挨家挨户的推销小树苗,希望大家能够用实际行动来对抗全球变暖。然而,小夫妻两人的计划都进行的不如想象中顺利。



回复 :In the time of Counter-Reformation, a miller and his son come under investigation by a priest of the Inquisition, when rumors spread that their prosperity comes from working with the Devil.The Devil's Trap is a film directed by František Vlá?il, based on a novel by Alfréd Technik, adapted by František A. Dvorák and Miloš Kratochvíl. It was the first of three historical dramas that Vlá?il made during the Czech New Wave (technically he isn't really a part of the New Wave, however these films were made during the same era of artistic freedom), preceding his more well known Marketa Lazarová (1967) and Valley of the Bees (1968).Set in the late 16th Century during the Catholic Reformation, in the Moravian Karst, situated in what is now the Eastern Czech Republic, it tells the tale of a miller (Vítezslav Vejrazka), and his son Jan (Vít Olmer), who come under suspicion and are investigated by a Jesuit priest of the Inquisition (Miroslav Macháchek), when rumors of witchcraft are spread by the local regent (Cestmír Randa), who is jealous of the miller's prosperity and degree of respect among the local populace.As expected from Vlá?il, this film is a stunning experience all the way through. From the opening shot, an ominous manipulation of perspective with a close up of a mangled figure of Christ dominating the foreground against a tiny figure in black walking along the horizon, to the breathtaking confrontational finale inside the vast stalactite filled Karst caverns, it is a wonderful display of visual mastery.Maybe not quite as impressive as Marketa Lazarová, but still full of astonishing imagery. As seen from unique angles and distinct points of view which highlight the director's remarkable sense of awareness of framing, motion, and positioning on the emotional and dramatic tone of the scene. The most memorable being a repeated shot where the camera is suspended and launched with speed through the air towards the miller's door.The story here is a simple one and I would say more accessible than his later works. With a conventional structure emphasized as much by its plot and characters, than by its expressionistic cinematography or authentic historical detail. The events play out without much surprise, and there is a strong underlying, almost supernatural, mysterious aspect that is left unresolved, in fact barely explored, which is slightly disappointing, but only because it's so fascinating that I wish there was more.Acting is great all around. Particularly the villains: Miroslav Macháchek as the priest, casting a sinister and imposing shadow wherever he goes, and Cestmír Randa as the weasel like regent behind all the persecution. While Vít Olmer brings a charismatic leading man presence in his role as the miller's son Jan, in love with the lovely orphan girl Martina (Karla Chadimová), who becomes a dangerous object of rivalry between Jan and other young men of the village.The film also features the evocative music of Zden?k Liška (perhaps the most prolific composer of the Czech New Wave). In this his second of eleven collaborations with Vlá?il, his compositions are used sparingly, but to great effect, complimenting but never overpowering a scene. The best example of which can be heard in an amazingly shot celebration and dance sequence at the end of the second act.The Devil's Trap might not be a masterpiece, but it is still a strong effort, with a fascinating straightforward story and a glorious historical setting captured beautifully by Vlá?il's unmistakable visual prowess. A fine work that would also be the perfect starter plate to prepare yourself for the challenging feast of Marketa Lazarová or The Valley of the Bees. It even has an easy to digest running time. It's therefore puzzling why this gem remains largely overlooked and ignored.



回复 :30歲的維特在西里西亞的建築設計公司工作,某日接到家裡的來信,敦促他回鄉探望生病的父親。維特的故鄉是在華沙附近的小城鎮,當他抵達時才知道父親只是藉口患病希望他回來承擔家庭責任。但維特討厭他們的生活方式,他的父親是個酒鬼,他的妹妹貝拉是個花癡,他的姑媽髒亂而揮霍,維特要到外地工作來滿足他們的花費。雖然距前作《水晶的結構》只有兩年,但波蘭的政局已起了變化。華迪洛.哥穆爾卡已經下台,愛德華.蓋萊克成為共黨第一書記。蓋萊克提出努力提高生活水平的政策,但是未獲得波蘭人的信任。影片主題是逃避。維特擺脫家人到另一個城市就業;母親早就逃到國外;父親酗酒;妹妹透過性行為。贊祿西不是一個悲觀主義者,他通過電影建議我們應該努力改善我們的生活和工作,而不是後退,或沉迷於不能實現的幻想。

