  时间:2024-09-20 03:08:44

李·佩斯、快猫看下杰瑞德·哈里斯将主演根据艾萨克·阿西莫夫创作的科幻小说《基地三部曲》改编的Apple TV+剧集《基地》。佩斯饰演银河系现任皇帝Brother Day。哈里斯则饰演预测帝国灭亡的数学天才Hari Seldon。[蝙蝠侠]系列编剧大卫·S·高耶与乔什·弗莱德曼([世界之战])操刀剧本及担任创剧人。《基地三部曲》由《基地》、快猫看下《基地与帝国》、《第二基地》组成, 讲述银河帝国已有一万二千年悠久历史,一位心理史学家却作出惊人预言:帝国即将土崩瓦解,整个银河注定化作一片废墟,黑暗时期将会持续整整三万年。《基地》首季共10集。




回复 :偏远小城的文学青年桑梓,来到北方某海宾城市,在一家报社临时供职。报社同事毛利一直对桑梓有好感。... 偏远小城的文学青年桑梓,来到北方某海宾城市,在一家报社临时供职。报社同事毛利一直对桑梓有好感。一次意外的误会使初到滨城樊家保与舞厅歌手柳素素相识。桑梓经毛利介绍来到大学教授文达与舒心家中暂时栖身,帮助舒心整理文稿并料理家务。文达之妹——独资公司总经理文洁,拒绝了其丈夫——文化局处长庄严为举办文化节要求赞助之事。文达与舒心之子剑平的女友叶眉来文达家,恰遇来串门的庄严,二人一并结识桑梓。舒心心脏病发作住进医院。再次醒来的舒心面对文达道出了埋藏26年的秘密——剑平不是文达的亲儿子。文达陷入深深的痛苦中...



回复 :Morse is taken seriously ill at a museum reception and is hospitalized. In the hospital, Supt. Strange, visits Morse to push him to take early retirement, while Dr. Millicent 'Millie' Van Buren gives him her book on a 140 year-old court case known as the Oxford Canal Murders. The case involved the murder and rape of a young woman, Mrs Joanna Franks, traveling by canal boat from Coventry to London. The case resulted in three boatmen being sentenced to death and two of them hanged. Morse starts to read Millie's book and dreams about it. He soon has a number of problems with the case.Why weren't the three men also charged with theft Why did Mrs Franks take a boat instead of a train that was much faster and comfortable and only slightly more expensive Why didn't she abandon the boat after she complained about lewd behavior of the crew at the shipping office in Banbury Why did she then drink and 'socialise' with the crew What happened to her 'carpet bag' with which she arrived on the boat but which was not mentioned in the court case, nor was it stored in the archives with her, almost empty, trunk The trunk was marked with initials of her first husband who had died. How did it happen that her shoes were found on the boat but nobody saw her return to the boat from the forestPC Adrian Kershaw does some brilliant leg work for Morse. He studied history and has invaluable background knowledge. For instance, he mentions that the boatmen had bad reputation because they worked on Sundays and did not attend church. Later a chapel was built for them in Oxford.The dead woman's clothes and the shoes found on the boat are submitted to modern forensic investigation. The result is that the shoes did not belong to the dead woman found in the water because she was much taller.The shoes were never used in the forest.Only Mrs Franks' husband, Charles Franks, was called to identify the body of the dead woman. He claimed that, while her face was darkened and disfigured, he found a birth mark behind her ear. The prosecutor welcomed that information that only a husband or a lover would know. The accused were not shown the body. The defense attorney merely claimed that the guilt of the three men was not proved. All three accused claimed to the end that they were innocent. One of them was not executed because he embraced Christianity in prison.Morse instructs Kershaw to investigate if Charles Franks benefited from his wife's death and, indeed, he pocketed 300 pounds insurance money. Case closed Charles Franks murdered a tall women and dropped her in the canal after meeting Joanna in the forest. If Joanna Franks jumped off the boat at the same time as the dead body hit the water, she swam to the bank and joined her husband. The couple changed their names, in the case of 'Charles Franks' a second time after he 'died' as Joanna's first husband. The fourth boatman, a youngster who was not charged, was probably paid by Joanna to give false testimony.Morse travels to Ireland and has a grave of Joanna's first husband exhumed. The coffin contains bags of sand and some stones.



回复 :【主要演员】何 炅--饰朱厚照陶飞霏--饰刘良女郑天庸--饰李东阳徐 敏--饰刘 瑾袁世龙--饰钱 宁高 昊--饰苏 进马少骅--饰糖人孙李婉僮--饰宁平公主李 静--饰马姑娘章 萍--饰王满堂【故事梗概】:明朝正德皇帝朱厚照是中国历史上绝无仅有的极富传奇色彩的“顽童”帝王,民间流传的关于正德的譬如“游龙戏凤”的传奇故事也被人津津乐道,而关于正德皇帝的传奇还不仅限如此:他具有充分的好奇心与丰富的想象力,亲自为官员们设计古怪的帽子;他与臣僚上下不分,弃下皇帝的龙椅与别人挤在民用大车上;他不甘于宫廷生活,在京城开了一家“好吃街”自己任街长;他登极未过两年竟搬出紫禁城,建了一座新宅名为“豹房”,亲自训练老虎豹子,开了个动物园;他无限热爱战斗,先是自封为“威武大将军”朱寿,后又封自己为“镇国公”,最后自封为“太师”。以至于大臣对他喝问道:所谓威武大将军朱寿是何人?如果并无此人,就是伪造圣旨,依法应当处死!他还是第一个发明了寒暑假的皇帝………………

