  时间:2024-09-20 06:35:14

喜剧,亚洲讲一个男人通过装假胡子装扮成兄弟两个人,亚洲周旋于女友和未来岳父之间,因为岳父喜欢有胡子的人,认为有胡子的人成熟稳重。Ramprasad Dashrathprasad Sharma (Amol Palekar) is looking for a better paying job. He and his sister Ratna (Manju Singh) have no relatives or acquaintances except Dr. Kedar (David). Dr.Kedar tells him about Bhavani Shankar's (Utpal Dutt) firm known as Urmila Traders. Shankar is a weird man. He is a man of traditional values, hence he naturally hates youth wearing modern clothes. He is a sports fan, but thinks lowly of youth knowing anything about sports. But his most weird trait is hatred towards men without moustaches. He thinks that men without moustaches are characterless.Ramprasad has a moustache. He takes care of other problems by wearing kurta feigning ignorance about sports. Bhavani hires him immediately. Ram is a hardworking guy, so Bhavani ( Ram) have no problems. However, Ram once takes leave by pretending that his mother (who died many years ago) has taken ill, and goes to watch a hockey match. Bhavani Shankar, who also attended the match, sees him there.The next day Bhavani summons Ramprasad to his office and asks him about the Hockey match. Remembering the plot of a movie a friend of his is shooting, Ram convinces Bhavani Shankar that he had seen his moustache-less identical twin Lucky (alias Lakshmanprasad Dashrathprasad Sharma) at the stadium.Bhavani Shankar buys his argument feels bad about accusing him and decides to make amends by hiring Lucky to teach his daughter Urmila (Bindiya Goswami) music. Ramprasad reluctantly shaves his moustache to become Lucky and starts to teach music to Urmila. He is helped by his actor friend Deven Verma (playing himself).Now Urmila aka Urmi is the exact opposite of her father. She takes immediate liking to Lucky, while Ram is barely noticed by her. Bhavani notices this gives Ram another job to tutor on the pretext of her exams. Meanwhile, Mrs. Srivastav (Dina Pathak), a socialite, is roped to play the part of Ram, Lakshman Ratna's mother. Like Ram, she also ends up playing her own twin in front of Bhavani.Ram decides to tell Urmila the truth. Urmila tells him to tell the truth to Bhavani as well. Ram goes to Bhavani to tell the truth, but Bhavani sees Ram's moustache giving away. Bhavani exposes Ram, but ends up thinking that Lucky murdered Ram impersonated him to marry Urmila.In a hilarious chase that follows, Bhavani ends up totalling a police jeep. The Senior Inspector (Om Prakash) mistakes him for a thug named Pascal D'Costa is about to lock him up in the jail. Only when his Inspector identifies Bhavani Shankar by his real identity is he freed. By now, a harried Bhavani has developed hatred for twin as well.On coming home, he finds that Urmila Lucky are married. He refuses to give them blessings, until Dr.Kedar comes to the scene explains the whole situation. Now, Bhavani becomes even more furious, but on everybody's insistence, relents. The film ends with a family photo of Mrs.Srivastav, Ratna, Urmila, Ram, Dr.Kedar, Bhavani's sister Kalindi (Shubha Khote) Bhavani (who is shown without moustache).




回复 :李晨光是90后阳光帅气的大男孩,是某大型企业的总经理,有一位漂亮的老婆,她叫何佳美;何佳美貌美如花深爱着李晨光,何佳美有个无血缘关系的哥哥,也深爱着何佳美。平静的生活中,李晨光的身边出现了一名叫罗小曼的女人,何佳美怀疑老公对自己不忠心,雇佣侦探社老板,把故事的剧情引到了高潮,车祸、鬼娃、恐吓、步步紧逼……



回复 :由山本美月主演,眞栄田郷敦出演的SP电视剧『U-NEXT presents あと3回、君に会える』(还会与你相见3次)将于3月31日晚21:30 - 23:24在关西电视台・富士电视台播出。本作是将同一个故事用两个视角进行演绎,通过地上波和网络配信两种方式播出的全新形式作品。地上波播出的『U-NEXT presents あと3回、君に会える』将以女主角玉木楓(山本美月)的视角展开。播出结束后将在U-NEXT独占配信男主角征史郎(眞栄田郷敦)视角的故事『U-NEXT presents 君と会えた10+3回』(与你相见了10+3回)。故事是山本美月饰演的在一间小型影视制作公司工作的主人公玉木枫,在采访于快餐车上打工的神秘厨师征史郎时,以「与重要的人一起度过的时间的宝贵」为主题的爱情故事。



回复 :生活并不富裕的约翰·Q·阿奇伯德(丹泽尔·华盛顿 Denzel Washington饰)是个工厂里卖命工作的工人。为了养家糊口,两夫妻感情日渐淡漠而导致婚姻濒临破裂。更加雪上加霜的是,不幸降临在了他们9岁的儿子迈克尔身上。一天,迈克尔突然在棒球场上昏倒,当约翰·Q把儿子送到医院后才得知:儿子患有严重的先天性心脏病,需要进行心脏移植手术才能保住性命,这高昂的手术费用远远超过他的医疗保险范围。约翰·Q几经沟通未果,医院主管决定把他们从等待移植者的名单中剔除。此举激怒了作为父亲的约翰·Q。他愤然持枪闯入了医院的急诊室,绑架了无辜的医护人员和病人做人质,要求院方立刻为儿子动手术。这场挑战道德与法律的人性之战,并非想象得如此简单……

